• We welcome anyone who is interested in umpiring to join us. We offer multiple tiers of membership to accommodate everyone.

  • Baseball Australia as the National Sporting Organisation maintains and owns responsibility for providing an umpiring framework and defining the umpire pathway. BA are also responsible for the definition and maintenance of Umpire Accreditation. ABU, who has the subject matter expertise, are in the best position to help BA provide and distribute a unified standard of umprie development across these levels of Accreditation.

  • You don’t need to be an accredited umpire to be a member of ABU but for those interested Community Accreditation is cheap or free in most states and AABU membership for Community Umpires is only $20 lifetime membership.

  • We would hope that all umpires are members of their state Umpire Association and we work closely with states to share information and grow umpiring. But the simple answer is NO, especially for those people who may be simply a community or club volunteer. Things work differently in each state, contact your states umpires association and find out if membership with them is something you would want.